Philip M. Boley China Study and Travel Scholarship

Global Indiana proudly announces a scholarship used to support travel to or study in China by teachers employed in a public or fully accredited private school in Indiana. This scholarship was created in honor of Phil Boley, an educator dedicated to global learning in Indiana schools.
Phil Boley has been a lifelong professional educator, having served as an English teacher, football coach, high school principal, and district superintendent in five locations throughout Indiana during his 38-year career. For the past twenty years in addition to his school duties, he has been heavily involved in global education initiatives. These include board president of Sister Cities of Greenfield, board member of the Council on Standards for International Educational Travel (CSIET), co-founder of Global Indiana, and now the director of operations for the Chinese Education Connection. During his tenure at Global Indiana, the organization was responsible for the formation of more than 100 school-to-school partnerships in China, Germany, and Ecuador.
Global Indiana inspires and equips globally-minded leaders. Our aim is to provide a growing number of opportunities for Indiana teachers to be transformed by professional international travel. Apply now for this competitive scholarship for use on a summer experience teaching English in China, or a fall leaders' trip to Hangzhou, China. The deadline for applications is May 1.
Interested in honoring a global education leader? Please contact Jamie Goodwin for partnership opportunities at 317-513-8184 or [email protected].
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Phil Boley has been a lifelong professional educator, having served as an English teacher, football coach, high school principal, and district superintendent in five locations throughout Indiana during his 38-year career. For the past twenty years in addition to his school duties, he has been heavily involved in global education initiatives. These include board president of Sister Cities of Greenfield, board member of the Council on Standards for International Educational Travel (CSIET), co-founder of Global Indiana, and now the director of operations for the Chinese Education Connection. During his tenure at Global Indiana, the organization was responsible for the formation of more than 100 school-to-school partnerships in China, Germany, and Ecuador.
Global Indiana inspires and equips globally-minded leaders. Our aim is to provide a growing number of opportunities for Indiana teachers to be transformed by professional international travel. Apply now for this competitive scholarship for use on a summer experience teaching English in China, or a fall leaders' trip to Hangzhou, China. The deadline for applications is May 1.
Interested in honoring a global education leader? Please contact Jamie Goodwin for partnership opportunities at 317-513-8184 or [email protected].
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